JD Edwards Training and E-Learning
Step by Step Learning Guide
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A robust ERP application suite with IoT
No Matter Where You Are
It's relevance in technological advancement
Online Learning Accommodates Everyone’s Needs. With online material and a lack of a regimented class timetable, people can fit the learning around their work and family life, rather than the other way around. They can approach the course in the way that works best for them, with courses deliberately tailored for self-study to make the process as flexible as possible
A key reason that e-Learning has seen such a growth in adoption in recent years is the ability for people to undertake where and when they please. Traditionally learning was done “just-in-case” where as today’s technology has allowed us to learn “just-in-time”, learning concepts and skills as we need them.
eLearning is cost effective as compared to traditional forms of learning. The reason for this price reduction is because learning through this mode happens quickly and easily. A lot of training time is reduced with respect to trainers, travel, course materials, and accommodation.
eLearning allows students to get through the material at their own pace and without having to wait for others, eLearning participants can learn almost five times more material without increasing time spent in training.